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Dr. Mark Adickes of the Houston, Texas area is very familiar with conditions that can impact the shoulder area. He sees patients with injuries in the shoulder area and provides treatments to help patients get back into the game—and back into their lives! If you are concerned about a shoulder injury or condition that is impacting your ability to function properly in your day-to-day activities, or have experienced an injury that reduces your range of motion and has caused extreme pain, it may be time to speak to an orthopedic surgeon to get a definitive diagnosis and seek appropriate treatment.

Conditions of the shoulders

There are several issues that can occur within the shoulder area. Below are just a few to consider:

  • Arthritis. Arthritis is inflammation of the joints that can cause patients extreme pain and limit their ability to participate in certain activities. In addition to the shoulder, patients with arthritis may also experience problems with their hands, knees, and feet.
  • Dislocated shoulder. Sometimes, when there is an abrupt blow to the shoulder, it can pop out of the joint and require treatment to get it back into the appropriate place.
  • Rotator cuff problems. Rotator cuff problems can also occur within the shoulder due to repetitive movements. This can include rotator cuff tears and sprains.
  • Frozen shoulder. If the shoulder locks up, it is often referred to as frozen shoulder and can greatly reduce range of motion and the ability to move the shoulder into different positions.
  • Shoulder joint impingement. Pain and discomfort in the shoulder area may also be a sign of shoulder impingement conditions including tendinitis or bursitis.
  • Shoulder joint replacement. In the “worst case scenario” for patients with particular shoulder issues, shoulder joint replacement may be considered. This surgery allows for a patient to have the shoulder joint replaced when it can no longer be resolved with alternative treatments.

Learn more about shoulder injuries and condition that can impact you!

Call Jock to Doc to make an appointment with Dr. Mark Adickes and his team in Houston, Texas by calling  . The office is conveniently located at 950 Campbell Road and continues to accept new patients.

  • Joc to Doc

950 Campbell Rd,
Houston, TX 77024

Monday8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Tuesday8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Wednesday8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Thursday8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Friday8:00 am - 5:00 pm